Elements of drama plot definition
Elements of drama plot definition

is a work of literature, especially a play that results in a catastrophe for the main the writer’s attitude toward his or her audience and subject.Writers sometimes use conventional symbols in their work, but they also create symbols of their own through emphasis. An object that serves as a symbol has its own meaning but it also represents abstract ideas. is anything that stands for or represents something a feeling of curiosity or uncertainty about the outcome of events in a literary work.They are used to describe sets, lighting, sound effects, ad the appearance, personalities, and movements of characters. are notes included in a drama to describe how the work is to be performed or staged.

elements of drama plot definition

Teachers and students can use the definitions and word wall printouts below to better speak the language of the stage.

  • is writing or speech that appeals to one or more of the senses. This glossary combines with high-quality teaching resources to bring the excitement of the theater into the classroom.
  • is writing or speech that attempts to convince the reader to adopt a particular opinion or course of action.
  • is a reason that explains or partially explains why a character thinks, feels, acts, or behaves in a certain way.
  • is a speech by one character in a play, story, or poem.
  • It is the opposite of figurative language.
  • is the general term for literary techniques that portray differences between appearances and reality, expectation and result or meaning and intention.
  • is the descriptive or figurative language used in literature to create word pictures for the reader by details of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, or movement.
  • The use of this technique helps tocreate suspense.
  • is the use of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur.
  • Quotation marks are not used n a script, which is the printed version of a play. In a story or novel, quotation marks are used to indicate a speaker’s exact words.

    elements of drama plot definition

    It is used to reveal character and to advance action. The reader must draw conclusions about the character based on this indirect information. In indirect characterization an author tells what a character looks like, does, and says, as well as the way other characters react to him or her. In direct characterization, the author directly sates a character’s traits. the act of creating and developing a character.It’s the point at which you learn the story will not turn out as you expected. However, an anticlimax is always a let down.

    elements of drama plot definition

  • Like a climax, an anticlimax is the turning point in a story.

  • Elements of drama plot definition